Bamboo is a great source of high quality materials. It is eco-friendly and can create incredible products. After hearing the word “bamboo" what is the meaning of it? Some people considered it as a plant, a tall grass. That is a fact, but I consider this material and...

Krizel Acuin
Hi. I'm Krizell Carmela C. Acuin I'm a 2nd year high school student, Graduating Is one of the things I've been looking for. Although, I don't really have a specific dream to chase. I'm still figuring out myself what I liked, or the thing I would love to do for the rest of my life. Reading, Sketching is the things that I love to do. I'm not good at sketching, I don't know how to start at first but I'm slowly coming out of my comfort zone and trying to sketch and learn about it more often. I will chase and pursue my dream, even if I myself don't have a lead on what dream I am chasing. Let's keep on chasing our dreams and keep on growing, people.